Montessori method is a method of education for young children that stresses the development of a child’s own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play. This method allows children to develop at their own pace and provided educators with new understanding of child development.
The students learn through activities that involve exploration, manipulations, order, repetition, abstraction, and communication. Teachers encourage children to use their senses to explore and manipulate materials in their immediate environment. It is not just about playing.


  • montessori Students enjoy freedom within limits.
  • Student choice of activity from within a prescribed range of options.
  • Well prepared environment and specialized educational material developed by Montessori and her collaborators.
  • Freedom of movement within classroom.
  • Trained Montessori teachers.


  • Each child is valued as a unique individual.
  • Beginning at an early age, Montessori’s students develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence.
  • Students are part of a close, caring community.
  • Students are supported in becoming active seekers of knowledge.


  • Practical Life
  • Sensorial
  • Cultural
  • Mathematics
  • Language


Assessment is by portfolio and the teacher’s observation and record keeping. The test and the system lie in the accomplishment and behavior of the students, their happiness, maturity, kindness, and love of learning and level of work. The students are able to think critically, work collaboratively, and act boldly – a skill set for the 21st century.


Pearson early year programme is for 3 to 5-year-olds that are aligned to the latest education practices and designed to meet the needs of today’s global learners. This programme ensures students are prepared to progress with the skills they need to engage with the world around them.

* English – supporting communication and language, developmental writing and mark-making and early reading
* Maths – supporting mathematical development and understanding, including counting, addition, subtraction, shape work, pattern recognition and chronological sequencing
* The World Around Us – explicitly supporting the development of questioning, investigation, and problem-solving; as well as supporting social, emotional and physical development

The Pearson early years program supports general cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development and contributes significantly to later achievement and happiness.
Students learn how to learn, how to interact with the world – and with others – in a supportive environment.


Measure students’ ability through fun, interactive, game-like activities suitable for young learners, to understand how a child is learning and developing. It informs planning so that teachers can meet students’ needs and support and extend the learning of all students.


1. Physical Education
2. Art & craft
3. Character Building
4. Music Class
5. Cooking Class


  • Minimum age 3 years old 
  • Completed the documents required
  • School interview with parent