Secondary School Programme
TIS Secondary Programme is typically for learners aged 14 to 16 years. It builds on the foundations of Cambridge Primary.

TIS Secondary Programme includes Cambridge IGCSE – the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 years old, which has been designed especially for an international audience. It provides excellent preparation for Cambridge ‘A’ Level and for progression to other educational systems.
We provide 10 subjects. Our curriculum offers a variety routes for learners with a wide range of abilities, including those whose first language is not English. It develops learner knowledge, understanding and skills in:
- Subject content
- Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
- Intellectual enquiry
- Flexibility and responsiveness to change
- Working and communicating in English
- Influencing outcomes
- Cultural awareness
We are confident it represents the best possible international education for 14 to 16 years olds. The syllabuses are international in outlook, but retain a local relevance. They have been created specifically for an international student body with content to suit a wide variety of schools and avoid cultural bias.
University recognition
Many universities worldwide require a combination of Cambridge International A Levels and Cambridge IGCEs to meet their entry requirements. For example, leading US and Canadian universities require Cambridge International AS & A Levels, but some US and Canadian colleges and universities will accept learners with five Cambridge IGCEs at grade C or above.
Assessment takes place at the end of the course and gives student options to suit them, including written, oral, coursework and practical assessment. This broadens opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, particularly when their first language is not English. With a tiered structure in many subjects for different ability levels, learners of all abilities are assessed positively and bright individuals have the chance to excel. The grades awarded at Cambridge IGCSE are A*-G, with A* being the highest.
Group awards
Cambridge ICE is a group award for Cambridge IGCSE, particularly popular in the US and South America. It allows student to offer a broad and balanced curriculum by recognizing the achievements of learners who pass examinations in at least seven subjects, including two languages, and one subject from each of the other subjects groups: humanities and social sciences, sciences, mathematics, and creative, technical and vocational.
Note :
Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) Cambridge ICE (International Certificate of Education)